La musique classique au bord du Léman


Da Capo - Nyon Chamber Orchestra


The Da Capo - Nyon Chamber Orchestra, founded on 14 June 2011, comprises some twenty stringed-instrument players. He is conducted by Léonard CLEMENT.

The Da Capo - Nyon Chamber Orchestra aims to provide regular classical concerts in the Nyon area. It also plans to collaborate with various musical and cultural institutions in the region (choirs, soloists, musical productions) and to foster the practice of classical music, in particular amongst newcomers to the Nyon district.

Its proximity to the West Vaudois Conservatorium (Conservatoire de l'Ouest vaudois) enables it to collaborate closely with this institution. Da Capo - Nyon plans to offer at least two or three concerts per season to musiclovers in the area.


The orchestra is currently recruiting musicians. For more details, see the WEB page 'Recruitment'.


You are invited to read an interesting summary about the classical musical activity in Nyon prepared by André Rochat (see page NEWS).

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